Raw Is War Results  (Updated 21/05/01)

Less than 24 hours after Stone Cold Steve Austin defeated the Undertaker at Judgment Day, the Texas Rattlesnake made his way to this ring as RAW kicked off live from the Compaq Center in San Jose, California!

Austin said people could say what they wanted to say, but it didn't matter because he was still the World Wrestling Federation Champion! Holding the title meant that there was no one in the locker room that could defeat him. Even though Austin liked to consider himself a fighting champion, he was serving notice that the Undertaker did not get a rematch! Austin said that since his name was Stone Cold Steve Austin, he did not deserve to be treated like trash, and everyone should show him the respect he deserves. So, he demanded that the crowd stand up and give him that respect! As Austin went on to say that no one could beat him, Chris Jericho's countdown began!

Y2J hit the stage and immediately told the Champion that his name was Chris Jericho, and on behalf of everyone in the arena, he was begging Austin to shut the Hell up! Jericho said that ever since WrestleMania, people have been wondering why Stone Cold sold his soul to Vince McMahon. Jericho said that actually, he didn't care why, because he had his own theory - that Austin was a bona-fide jackass, and that by selling his soul, he became the biggest slut in the Federation! Y2J added that the Two-Man Power Trip would lose their Tag Team Championship to Y2J and Chris Benoit later on RAW!

Then, Jericho ran to the ring and attacked Austin!

Triple H ran out and attacked Jericho, but before long, Chris Benoit ran out and went after Austin and Triple H! Federation officials had to pull the four men apart!

After they got to the back, Austin and Triple H asked Vince McMahon who exactly Benoit and Jericho thought they were. As Triple H got worked up, Vince told him to calm down and get his head on straight, because he had to defend the Tag Team Championship later.

Elsewhere, Kurt Angle happily arrived at the arena, proudly carrying his gold medals

The man-beast Rhyno defended his Hardcore Championship against the Big Show. The brawl began before either man could enter the ring, but before long, Rhyno had filled the ring with garbage cans, street signs and other debris. The Rhyno began smacking Show with the signs, and went he went for a Gore, Big Show stepped out of the way. The Show grabbed Rhyno and chokelsammed him through a garbage can to pick up the win and become the new Hardcore Champion!

In the back, Kurt Angle continued to brag about winning his gold medals back.

In the APA's office, Faarooq and Bradshaw played a game of cards when Terri walked in. When the She-Devil grabbed a beer, the APA tried to stop her, when she suddenly started pouring it all over her chest! As Faarooq and Bradshaw stammered, Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn attacked from behind!

Stone Cold walked through the back, looking for Debra, who was nowhere to be found!

Elsewhere, Molly Holly and Spike spoke to each other. Molly told Spike that she was sorry for what her cousins did at Judgment Day, and Spike said it was OK and that he understood. Molly added that she had nothing do to with the Hollys challenging the Dudleys to a match later. Spike said that it was OK, and that the Hollys and Dudleys would always be fighters. Then, Spike stood up and offered Molly a good luck present - Dudley glasses! Molly smiled widely and put the glasses on immediately as Spike walked away.

The APA took on the Radicalz - Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko in a tag team matchup. Just as the APA was set to pick up the win, Terri, who wore a rove to ringside, stood up on the apron and flashed Bradshaw! The Tough Texan got back up, and he and Faarooq powerbombed Saturn twice! Bradshaw finally made the cover to end the beating!

In the backstage area, William Regal was discussing manners with someone, when Stone Cold walked up looking for Debra. Regal said that he hadn't seen Debra, but he knew that the Undertaker was in the building. Regal said that surely, Taker wouldn't abduct Debra. When Regal mentioned that, Austin immediately had a look of concern for his wife!

Kurt Angle continued to talk to Edge and Christian about how special his medal ceremony later was going to be. Angle offered to have E & C stand on the silver and bronze podiums, but they both declined, saying, "How about...no!" Angle happily walked away, saying that they were right, it would be even more special if he was out there alone.

Matt Hardy put the European Championship on the line against X-Pac. Matt was accompanied to the ring by his brother Jeff and Lita, and X-Pac was joined by Justin Credible and Albert. The match spilled out of the ring, where Albert and Justin Credible attacked Jeff Hardy, and Lita went after X-Pac! X-Pac flattened Lita, but Eddie Guerrero ran out to the ring and took out X-Pac! Eddie threw Matt and X-Pac back in the ring, where Matt made the cover to retain his title!

Medics checked on Perry Saturn's condition after the beating he took from the APA. After Terri asked Saturn if he was ok, Perry simply replied by saying, "You're welcome."

Olympic hero Kurt Angle happily made his way to the ring, ready for his reenactment of his Olympic gold medal ceremony. Angle began his ceremony by telling everyone what a hero really was - someone everyone wished they could be more like. Angle said that to win Olympic gold was one thing, but to win the same medals twice was simply awe-inspiring.

As Angle began his ceremony, he hoped the crowd would have as much respect for his accomplishment as the Atlanta crowd did when he first won the medals. As confetti poured from the ceiling, Angle shed cheers of joy. But he was interrupted by the song "Here Comes the Money," which signified the arrival of Shane McMahon!

The WCW Chairman entered the ring and told Kurt that he wanted to clear up some rumors about WCW. Shane said that WCW was starting sooner than people thought. Kurt replied that no one cared about WCW.

Shane said that he wanted to make sure that Kurt knew what WCW meant - and then called Kurt a wimp! Angle, irate that Shane interrupted his ceremony, gave Shane an Angle Slam and locked on the Ankle-Lock!

Stone Cold entered his dressing room, and Debra sat there waiting for him. Austin asked where she was. Debra said she was getting coffee. Austin said he was worried about the Undertaker, and just then, Taker burst through the door! The Dead Man said it wasn't over between them, and if Austin ever brought his family into it ever again, he would show Austin what it meant to step on someone's family! After Taker left, Austin screamed at Debra, telling her if she wasn't there, he would have beat Undertaker's ass!

Shane McMahon was shown being escorted from the building by police officers, as requested by Vince McMahon.

In tag team action, the Dudleys faced the Hollys. Spike and Molly joined their respective families at ringside, and Molly even brought her Dudley glasses out to the ring! As Spike and Molly spoke to each other at ringside, D-Von Dudley yelled at Spike and told him to stay away from Molly. When D-Von went to get a table, Spike went over and tried to reason with him not to use the table! Just then, Crash flew at the table, knocking over both D-Von and Spike! Crash grabbed the ring bell, but Molly grabbed it away from him! Then, Hardcore Holly grabbed the bell away from her and smacked Bubba over the head with it! Hardcore covered Bubba for the pin, and after the match, he thanked Molly for giving him the ring bell! Molly stood in the center of the ring, looking like she couldn't believe what had just happened.

On behalf of the McMahon family, Vince McMahon apologized to Kurt Angle about Shane interrupting his ceremony. Kurt hoped Vince wasn't upset about what Kurt did to Shane. Vince said he was, because Angle didn't break Shane's ankle! Vince said he was going to reward Kurt with a shot at the Intercontinental Title! Kurt replied by saying, "Thank you...I think."

In the back, D-Von and Bubba yelled at Spike about what Molly Holly had done! Spike said that Molly didn't do anything, and it was an accident. Bubba cut him off and said that he knew what had to happen now - Molly needed to go through a table! Spike begged him to reconsider.

Eddie Guerrero entered the Hardys locker room, wearing a Hardy Boyz T-shirt, and told Matt that he didn't need to go out to the ring, that Eddie and Jeff could handle the match with Edge and Christian. Matt agreed, and then Eddie invited Lita out to ringside with him and Jeff.

Elsewhere, Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho went over their strategy for their Tag Team Championship match later on RAW. Meanwhile, Triple H told Stone Cold Steve Austin that they were a team - and that he better not forget that. Triple H said that he lost his Intercontinental Title because of Austin's mistake, and Austin retained his title because of Triple H's help. The Rattlesnake said that he didn't deserve to be talked to like that, and Triple H simply said that he needed to prove it.

As Steven Richards was about to make an announcement from WWF New York, Paul Heyman cut him off, saying that he didn't care what Steven had to say!

Eddie Guererro teamed up with Jeff Hardy to take on Edge and Christian. Eddie and Jeff seemed to gel as a team and they picked up the win with some help from Lita.

In his first title defense, Kane put the Intercontinental Championship on the line against Kurt Angle. The Big Red Machine took his anger out on Kurt Angle, as the Olympic hero tried to get Kane into a submission-style wrestling match. Kurt started going after Kane's sore left arm, but the Red Monster got up and began brutalizing Kane. Again, Angle tried to lock Kane into a submission match, and Kane struggled to stand up. Kane started hitting Angle with clotheslines and then went for a chokeslam, but Angle slid out of the ring. Then, Shane McMahon ran out of nowhere and took out Angle! After Shane tossed Kurt back in the ring, Kane chokeslammed him, where he made the pin and retained his title!

As Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho prepared for their match, Benoit told Jericho that this was the moment they've been dreaming of. Benoit reminded his partner where they came from and what they sacrificed to get here. Jericho agreed and said that tonight was their night.

The Tag Team Championship was on the line as the Two-Man Power Trip, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H took on Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho. The match began with Jericho and Stone Cole facing each other for the first time ever! Y2J hit the Champion with wicked chops to the chest, but Austin came back and nailed Jericho with an elbow. Y2J tagged out, and Benoit entered the ring and immediately took Austin to the top rope and suplexing him!

Triple H and Austin went for a double-team, but Benoit fought off both men! Benoit locked Austin in the Crossface, but the referee didn't see Austin tapping! Triple H hit Benoit with a chair, which allowed Austin to make a cover, but he only got a two-count!

Soon, the carnage cleared, and Benoit and Triple H found themselves in the ring alone. Triple H had Benoit on the mat, but the Wolverine kicked out at two again! Benoit went for a tag, but the Game caught him from behind with a sleeper hold. Benoit escaped and hit Triple H with a suplex and made his tag! As the action spilled outside the ring, Triple H hit Benoit with a Pedigree, but the ref was outside the ring! The carnage cleared once again, and with the crowd on its feet, Chris Jericho and Stone Cold went after each other! Then, Triple H grabbed Jericho and took him to the announce table, where he tried to hit him with a Pedigree, but Y2J reversed it into a Walls of Jericho! In the ring, Benoit, hit Austin with a Flying Headbutt, and made a cover, but again, the ref didn't see it!

The brawling made it back into the ring, where Austin went to hit Jericho with a Stunner, but Y2J countered. Jericho went to hit a Lionsault, but Austin got his knees up and knocked Jericho away! Jericho went for a second Lionsault and made a cover! Just then, Triple H entered the ring with a sledgehammer! At the last second, Jericho saw the Game and ducked out of the way, causing the Game to hit Austin with the hammer! Jericho covered Austin to pick up the pin, the victory and the Tag Team Titles!


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